Type of Casino Games, Online Gambling! Casino indeed includes games that are very often present on several gambling game sites, so for those of you who want to know what casino games can be seen directly on gambling game sites. But usually only certain gambling game sites that provide a variety of gambling games so that not all gambling game sites provide all gambling games. So you have to see in advance whether the site has the game or not.
Because basically every site must have a different type of game, moreover each game also has its own way. Well, if for casino you can indeed play on sites that provide casino games. But if you find a gambling game site that does not provide casino games then you can simply search for other gambling game sites. There are even many different gambling game sites that provide variations of casino games. How? Curious?
- Roulette
First, roulette. Roulette is one of the online gambling casino games in the shape of a round wheel. Where, in this roulette game has a variety of small boxes with different colors, there are three colors in each box, namely black, red and green. Each box must have a different color – different if the number 0 has green while the number one has black while the number 2 has red.
Of course each color certainly has a different meaning between black, green and red. When viewed from the title of the game, roulette, roulette is one of the words that comes from French. How to play the game is really easy, although not like other casino games that use cards. Where, the city will spin the round wheel in one direction, a small ball will be inserted into the spinning wheel.
- Blackjack
If the first online gambling game, roulette, is different from the second gambling game, blackjack. This blackjack, if you know, actually has a lot of names, Twenty One, or if in French, it can be called Vingt Et Un. You need to know that blackjack is not actually a new game in a casino, but this game has been around for a long time in the world of gambling. Blackjack was discovered since the 17th century so it has been a long time.
Where this blackjack has a variety of cards ranging from Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2. So that each number on the card has a different value – different in the Blackjack game. For example, the usual As is counted in Blacjack, which has a value of 11, and King, Queen, Jack, 10 have a lower value than As, which is 10. Not only that there are several other card variations, namely 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 have the same values listed according to the numbers on the card.
- Baccarat
Third, baccarat. Baccarat games are also included in online gambling games that use cards. So you have to know what kind of cards that often appear in the baccarat game. In the baccarat game there will be a player or better known as a bettor or player while the second is a banker, the banker can also be called a bookie because it has important duties during the baccarat game.
In the baccarat game, each player who wants to come out to be a winner must have a value of 9 or close to 9. Because if you pass 9, for example the number you get is 11 then that value can be said to be one because it has been deducted. Therefore, you must ascertain how much value you have on the card because if you score more than 9 then not a victory that you will get but only defeat.
- Sic Bo
Fourth, Sic Bo. If in general online gambling games do use cards, but if on Sic Bo then you have to use dice. Usually the number of dice used in the game is only two dice, so each player must play dice in turn. Moreover, this sic bo game is often called the online dice game, this is because the sic bo game is generally played using two dice.
In the game sic bo also has a variety of bets ranging from large small bets, even odd bets, dice bets, two dice bets, one dice bets, twins bets and triplets bets. Where players who want to play a game are required to do one of the types of bets that are provided by sic bo games.
Moreover, online gambling variations above can add to the list of gambling games that you like. So you can try games that have never been played before.